Sunday, August 30, 2009

Another day, and no new stuff

Another day spent not helping to jump start the economy.

But I realized I forgot to count 2 things yesterday while counting the books - the bookshelves, so that brings the total to 148.

Counted up everything on my desk today, 51 things, plus a few random things near the desk (trash can, air purifier, etc.) brings it to 60. I'm going to have to think about how to count things like pencils, or blank CDs because I've got a ton of those lying around. My first instinct is to count a package as 1 thing, but I'll have to consider it a bit. As with any good game, this one needs some rules.

Total of everything counted so far 208, and I'm not even through one room yet. I suspect the kitchen is going to be particularly full of stuff, I was in there all day today cooking, and it's shocking how many dishes/pots/ladles you can dirty up in a short amount of time.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Starting to count

Haven't bought anything new today.

And to get started I counted up the things on the bookshelves in the living room:
102 books
44 other things (mostly games/cards and photos)

Total: 146

First post, the idea

While I was putting away my laundry this morning, I decided that I probably have more socks then I need, or will ever need. And then I realized that that's probably true for everything I own - I have more then enough stuff.

So, here's the idea, I can't get anything new without getting rid of (selling, donating, trashing) something old. I'll keep track of the stuff I have and get rid of here, to help keep me honest.

I'm also thinking I might start a list of everything I currently own, so I'll have an easy to consult list of things to get rid of, and also to get a better idea of how many things I actually have (I'm sure it's a lot, I mean socks alone...).

I've started thinking about all the rules I'm going to try and stick to, things like does food count (probably not), how many things is a pack of playing cards (just one), what about stuff that Vanessa and I bought together (probably just count them as 1 thing for me). I'm sure there're lots of other rules I'll have to figure out.

So, that's it for now, how ever many things I have right now, that's it for me.